I can't cook properly
Today's gripe.....
I don't put milk in my scrambled eggs. - Funny you ate them completely gone.
Glad we survived breakfast. It's NOT called breakie. Oh and please stop commenting on what everyone else eats at the table. My kids have had enough of a strain on food issues I don't want them worrying about what they are or aren't eating.
Lunch....grrrr.... I make you soup and a salad thinking I was being kind. You stand in the middle of the kitchen staring once again. Haven't you ever seen anyone cut tomatoes and carrots before? Then we sit down and you tell me it's too much to eat. Well gee thanks for telling me that before I dished it all out for you. Oh and thanks for standing in front of the sink while I was trying to get YOU a drink of water because we all know that's too much of a strain while you are on vacation.
Oh and if you teese my kids again or comment on how you can't get on the floor one more time I may just explode.
Thanks for today's little gripe. Gee I will really miss these after Sept 18th.