Friday, April 21, 2006

Yes I'm still alive

Wow it's been almost 2 1/2 weeks since I posted something here. So much has been going on with the nice weather and Belle having 2 weeks of spring/Easter break from school. The girls and I've spent some of that time at the park and we've started a new project - our garden. We planted seeds in a rubbermaid tub that goes under the bed only we kept the top off. Monday we planted corn, cuccumbers, tomatoes and green beans. It's only Friday and we have sprouts of all but the tomato plants so far. I guess in a few weeks we'll be transplanting them outside but the girls are excited seeing the shoots come out of the ground. We have carrots, onions, watermelon, cantelope, pumpkin and pepper seeds for outside planting. Guess I'll be spending the summer weeding and picking fruits and vegetables.

Also my new fun thing to do is making pixel paintings. So far I've made a teddy bear and an umbrella on my own. Other things I've made have been from tutorials.

Oh and on the garage topic. UGH! Can I just scream? The contractor says yet another week. Apparently the guy he subcontracts to do the digging had a problem and now he's looking for another person. I just hope he doesn't expect us to pay for another permit when it's not finished in time. He got one in January when we paid the deposit and I think they are only good for 6 months.

Another worry with the garage issue is we are getting a spare room built above it. This is a real need since Allan's parents are supposed to be here either from mid August to mid September or mid September to mid October and I don't want to have to move the girls around especially with them starting school in August.

Guess that's all my news for now.


Blogger Queen Bee said...

I didn't know you were into gardening, Annette, thought you had "decorative grasses" like the rest of us ;) Hope your garage and the room are done asap so it'll be easier to enjoy your visit from Allan's folks!

12:26 PM  
Blogger Heather said...

Where's the pics?!?!?! I wanna see!

10:42 AM  

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